Major even coming that will cause Cryptocurrencies to Skyrocket!

If you think you missed  out on Bitcoin boom last year…
When it soared from $700 to as high as $20,000…
Or, wether you think there is a “Bitcoin Bubble” or it burst and we are going into a bear market…
I have just learn from an insider, some good news for you.
It’s not too late…
Bitcoin mania is just beginning!
As early as in less than 60 days, a massive almost $900 billion mountain of money will begin trading Bitcoin…
That will cause three or more cryptocurrencies grow along with Bitcoin when this happens.
A person could easily grow what they have in those currencyies, 50, 100, even 200 times your money….
By Simply buying before this event that will happen in the less than 60 days.
( I’ll show why this is so important In a moment)
Now, I know that’s a big promise.
You might be a skeptical now that Bitcoin has plunged down to less than $8,000.
You may be wondering, “Is there any money left to make for me?”

You see, something BIG is about to happen to Bitcoin…
Something that’s already beginning to send its price higher.
Billionaire Mike Novogratz, a former hedge fund manager, says it will send Bitcoin to $40,000 this year.
Billionaire Jeremy Liew, a Silicon Valley icon, believes it could send Bitcoin to a few hundred thousand dollars.
And some are even predicting it will help Bitcoin hit $1 million – just a few years from now.
My Insider says, conservative math tells him Bitcoin could easily hit $350,000 sometime in the next few years.
That means if you invest in Bitcoin right now – you could still make 20 times your money.
And while Bitcoin is used as the foundation crypto for almost all projects, there are a few other cryptocurrency that could see even higher gains during the same time period.
But, In fact, there are other specific cryptocurrency that could grow at a higher pase.
I’m not making any predictions, and no one can predict the future.
But Bloomberg believes the unprecedented shift that’s coming could “open the floodgates.”
And all the big players in cryptocurrency I know are going to take advantage…
Some founders, venture capitalists, development teams…
They’re all positioning themselves for huge multi-million dollar bets that Bitcoin and a handful of smaller currencies are about to do.
No Bull: This will be the biggest event that’s ever happened to digital currency or the cryptocurrencies.
And if you get ahead of it, you may never have to worry about money again.
There is one caviot…
You must act in less than 60 days.
If you do NOTHING, you’ll miss out on the chance of a life time…
And you’ll regret it for the rest of your life.
Once this event takes places, you won’t have another chance.
You’ll never see the days of Bitcoin $10,000… Bitcoin $20,000… or even Bitcoin $30,000 again. This is your last chance to get in before it goes thru the roof.
And if you act quickly, you could make a life-changing fortune in a matter of months.
All while risking just a few hundred dollars.
So what is going to happen?
“Some of Wall Street’s Largest Players Are Gearing Up for Bitcoin”
-The Wall Street Journal
In short, we’re about to see a huge influx of cash into the crypto markets.
More than we’ve ever seen before.
I’m talking about big institutional money…
Potentially trillions of dollars from some of the biggest players in the world. Big banks, pensions, hedge funds and trillion-dollar asset managers.
This is a game-changer.
Wall Street has put a major stamp of approval for cryptocurrencies. And it’s going to trigger enormous growth.
Keep in mind, this isn’t some “out of left field” prediction.
This is coming from the smartest, most connected people on Wall Street.
You see, recently at a major cryptocurrency event… one of the biggest of the year in New York City. The insider that told me was there, and was invited to a private gathering after the event.
This “after party” was put together by one of the top billionaires in cryptocurrency – a former hedge fund manager whose name you’ve probably seen in the newspaper recently.
It was a “who’s who” of Silicon Valley power players and Wall Street executives.
This is when it was made known beyond a shadow of a doubt that Wall Street is preparing to make a big move in the coming weeks and months.
 “it’s not going to be a tidal wave… It’s going to be an ocean of money.”
The last time this happened on a much smaller scale, you could’ve tripled your money in a month.
Now it’s about to happen again in a much bigger way.
And I believe it will trigger the biggest Bitcoin bull market yet.
I realize this is the exact opposite of what your hearing and seeing from the “experts” on TV or YouTube.
They’re all predicting Bitcoin’s death.
The main stream has already written over 225 Bitcoin obituaries.
On June 20, 2011, Forbes wrote “So, That’s the End of Bitcoin Then.”
On January 16, 2015, USA Today wrote “Bitcoin is Headed to the ‘Ash Heap.’”
And on December 24, 2017, the folks over at The Huffington Post called it a “hoax.”
You’d think they’d learn…
But the truth is, most of the talking heads on TV have no experience with Bitcoin.
We’re About to See a Major Buying Fever.
Up till now most Bitcoin buying has come from People “in the know,” as well as a few “tire-kickers.”
The institutional money has missed out completely.
Institutions don’t like being left out in the cold, and they are about to make a statement in the market.
Bitcoin has made headlines across the globe… soaring in value… and it is my belief they are the cause of this massive pull back in the market, so they can jump in…
There’s only one problem…
The cryptocurrency market doesn’t have the proper infrastructure in place.
It needs what Wall Street calls “institutional-grade custodians.” Someone that can set up to handle multi-billion dollar accounts.
The platform or infrustructure hasn’t been available.
It certainly isn’t going to be Coinbase, (in their current state) look at how long it takes them to get you your cryptocurrency!
Until now…
A few Goldman Sachs insiders just leaked that the company is about to launch a cryptocurrency trading desk. This didn’t make the headlines in main stream media.
So for the first time, big institutions will be able to invest in Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies  through Goldman Sachs.
This is huge news. This has never happened before.
The only thing its close to is, It’s similar to when the first tech stocks traded on the NASDAQ…
Or when institutions were able to buy gold for the first time, in 1974.
It will go “live” in the second quarter of this year…
And since this wasn’t an official announcement from Goldman Sachs, most people still don’t know about it.
But it will make it so the biggest  institutions can buy and sell Bitcoin.
This Conservatively, could easily bring close to$900 billion into the market. (I’ll show you the math in a minute.)
And longer term, could unlock trillions more.
When This Happened Before, You Could Have Tripled Your value in Bitcoin in a Month
In December, the Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE) introduced cryptocurrency derivatives.
One week later, the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME), launched Bitcoin futures.
This was big news at the time.
One of headlines about it was from the -Wall Street Journal.
            “A potential huge step in the evolution of Bitcoin”
In less than a month, Bitcoin more than tripled in price.
Bitcoin went from $6,400 all the way to $20,000.
When this event happens, if it does what happened then and only triples, at todays prices, it would mean Bitcoin would go back above $20,000.
Keep in mind, what’s about to happen is much, much bigger.
Bitcoin futures contracts don’t actually trade in Bitcoin.
They are traded in dollars.
This is not the case with what’s happening with Goldman Sachs institutional funds. Real institutional money is going to begin flowing into Bitcoin and the other cryptocurrencies.
When this happens, I wouldn’t be surprised to see it jump two or three times higher than it did last time… with many lesser-known cryptos soaring much higher than Bitcoin.
Now, this news alone is reason enough for you create your own buying strategy .
But what’s really exciting is that this is just the tip of the iceberg…
Coinbase, the largest, most-respected cryptocurrency exchange, is also going thru the process of becoming a qualified custodian.
That means it will also be set up to handle billions in institutional money.
I know I said earlier that Coinbase couldn’t do this in their current state, and that’s true. But obviously they are positioning themselves to cash in on this event to make even more millions than they are making now with the current system, as bad as it is.
You have very little time to get out ahead of the big money.
In a very short time, you could see headlines come about Coinbase accepting a huge multi-billion dollar bet on Bitcoin.
In fact, Coinbase has already said that it knows of $10 billion just waiting to get in.
Hopefully you have some money in Bitcoin before this money flows in. Can you imagine what the impact will have the price.
There are smaller crypto plays I’m recommending. They could sour higher than Bitcoin by 20 and 30 times the price.
The next few months are going to mark a massive second shift upwards for cryptos. All of these coins, are currently trading for fractions of what they’ll be worth in the next year or so including Bitcoin.
The gains could be the same as last year, another 1,900% move would push Bitcoin over $300,000.
But you must act soon.
We’re in a moment of Bitcoin’s history that is unique.
When the institutional money comes into play, your chance of buying Bitcoin for less than $20,000 – or even, $50,000 – goodbye. Those days will be long gone.
Bitcoin is following a pattern seen before.
First, a new investment is created.
Second, early speculators get in.
Third, Wall Street institutional money pours in… sending the market soaring.
It’s a three-step pattern that the market has seen before.
This is exactly what happened with the internet boom.
First came phase one…
In the 1980s, America Online, Prodigy and a few other internet companies were formed.  
Then, a few years later, we entered phase two.
These companies went public, and “in the know” people in Silicon Valley were early investors.
Wall Street still wasn’t interested in them.
Many Top venture capitalists have invested over $2.1 billion in cryptocurrency technology startups.
That includes co-founder of PayPa, Peter Thiel, and the first outside investor in Facebook…
Thiel’s Founders Fund recently purchased 15 to 20 million dollars’ worth of Bitcoin.
Netscape co-founder Marc Andreessen – one of Silicon Valley’s most influential venture capitalists -- is also a major enthusiast.
Marc said, “when we're sitting here in 20 years, we'll be talking about Bitcoin the way we talk about the internet today.”
Richard Branson billionaire … Yahoo Founder Jerry Yang… Salesforce CEO Marc Benioff… Google Ventures… and many, many more.
But there is more…
According to Business Insider, “hedge funds are cashing in on Bitcoin mania.”
There are now 120 Bitcoin hedge funds,  
This is huge…
Hedge funds manage $3 trillion.
They alone could send the entire market two or three times higher.
And don’t forget…
All the big banks that have been sitting on the sidelines applying for many block chain patents…
They’re getting ready to jump into cryptos too.
Fidelity’s CEO says she “loves” cryptos.
Recently, her company partnered with Coinbase… not to mention, started a Bitcoin mining operation.
Bank of America, the second-largest bank in the U.S., just got a patent approved for a cryptocurrency exchange system.
Citigroup’s CFO recently told investors about exploring cryptocurrencies.
That’s another $2.2 trillion in institutional moneysoon be up for grabs.

The list goes on and on…
The NASDAQ is planning to launch Bitcoin futures as early as April.
The NASDAQ manages over $6.8 trillion in assets.
Millions of investors will have access to Bitcoin futures thru NASDAQ.
And even JPMorgan Chase has changed it tune.
Jamie Dimon, CEO of JPMorgan Chase, has done his best to trash Bitcoin.
In September, he called Bitcoin a “fraud and a scam,” and said that he’d fire anybody he caught trading it.
Now as late as January 9, he changed his rhetoric. Call Bitcoin a fraud one day, then bought millions of coins the next!
Can you imagine what these big players could do to Bitcoin’s price?
Collectively, they have $16 trillion under management.
That’s more money that the GDP of China.
And that’s just the start…
There are $84.9 trillion of assets across the globe.  
You can’t expect  all that money is going to flow into Bitcoin.
But now you can imagine what could happen if just 1% of all those trillions is invested in cryptocurrencies.
It could send roughly $900 billion into the cryptocurrency markets. Which would be like getting in on Bitcoin back in the early days.
The point is, you’re not too late.
You still have a small window of time to get started in this market.
You can take it to the Bank: (no pun intended) The Institutional money is going to transform this market – as we know it now…
With Google’s parent company, Alphabet, 81% of shares are held by institutions.  
And with smaller companies, it’s not uncommon for 95% of shares to be held by them.
Imagine getting in before the institution players poured in millions and billions of dollars, driving the price up.
We have that kind of opportunity with cryptocurrencies right now.
I can already hear account managers telling their clients:
“You need to allocate 5% of your portfolio to Bitcoin and a few other cryptocurrencies. It’s the best way to lower your volatility.”
Pension funds are desperate for money.
There are some estimates, state pension funds are facing over $6 trillion in unfunded liabilities.
They can’t dig themselves out of debt making 5% a year from stocks and bonds…
The State of Maryland Retirement and Pension System is looking at cryptocurrencies.
England is facing its own pension nightmare – pensions are starting to let you invest in Bitcoin funds.
Endowment funds are another group looking at cryptocurrencies.
That’s why many experts, including the former portfolio manager for the University of Chicago, are telling them to jump into cryptocurrencies now.
Another $515 billion ….
The list goes on and on…
As you saw, even just 1% will send the crypto market soaring. They won’t be large stakes, but that won’t matter.
It will be a “no-brainer.”
Here is what is important…
The Huge infusion of Institutional Money is Coming
Many of the most powerful countries, including China, England, Russia, the Netherlands, and Canada are just getting in.
Russia already has its own cryptocurrency in place and has tested it will billions of Rubles, just waiting on the timing to bring out in full swing.
Russia used to be one of Bitcoin’s biggest opponents. But now, Russia’s finance minister is telling Bloomberg that this year, the country plans to accept Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies as a legal financial instrument.
With a GDP of $1.3 trillion, this is a country with 144 million people and announcing that it’s about to open the floodgates to cryptocurrencies.
The world is turning to cryptocurrencies, and its happening right before our eyes.
That’s why I think it would be smart that every investor put down a small chunk of what they can afford as soon as possible.
By investing in Bitcoin, you could make 20 times your money.
However, by investing in the three smaller cryptocurrencies I’ve been told about by the insider, you could make much, much more.
Because, when the new money enters the cryptocurrency market, Bitcoin has always gone up.
And if you have been paying attention to the markets, lesser-known cryptos often times go up much higher, most people don’t realize this when it happens.
Last year, a handful of other cryptocurrencies put Bitcoin’s 1,318% gains to shame.
As much as I would like to share that with you here in this article, I can’t!
I will be able to disclose the top cryptocurrencies in a latter post. But first I want to see how many people read this post and up vote it and leave a comment of how much they are interested in finding out what those currencies are that will grow more than Bitcoin.
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